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Allot Cloud & Managed Hosting

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Cloud technology connects business people with applications

Fixed and mobile Communication Service Providers (CSPs) have been in the IT market for more than a decade, providing data center, IT infrastructure, and communications services to Small and Medium Businesses (SMB) and Enterprises. Cloud is an extension of that business – a more flexible way to connect business people with their applications. For many CSPs, cloud technology is becoming an integral part of their IT and communications portfolios, providing new ways to grow revenues through Enterprise Cloud and Dedicated Managed Hosting services.

Shared access can degrade services and threaten its integrity

User competition for the same shared cloud access capacity affects application performance, Quality of Experience (QoE) and SLA compliance. Degradation of service can occur from heavy real-time video transaction loads, unified communications, file transfers, endpoint upgrades, as well as Denial of Service and other malicious attacks.

Cloud is more than a shift in resource ownership

While Enterprise Cloud and Dedicated Hosting Services may look like a mere shift of resource ownership from the Enterprise to the CSP, it is actually much more. Today’s cloud data centers and hosted services are powered by virtualized computing fabric and software-defined architectures managed by industry-wide best practices. However, Enterprise Cloud customers use the same Internet and WAN connections to access cloud-hosted applications. Cloud access has not kept pace with the advances in data center capacity, elasticity, central control, and virtualization.

Our Cloud Access Optimization provides the solutions

Our Cloud Access Optimization solutions help you manage your shared access resources efficiently and effectively. They ensure the availability, performance and security of cloud applications, as well as the Quality of Service (QoS) that each business customer expects.

Our Cloud Access Optimization solutions enable you to: