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Allot ClearSee Data Source
Providing a Breakthrough Data Source for Telcom Analytics

Allot ClearSee Data Source

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Allot ClearSee
Allot ClearSee Basic Node
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Allot ClearSee Enhanced Node
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Allot ClearSee Cluster Nodes
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Allot ClearSee Data Source is a breakthrough solution for telco analytics. It allows digital lifestyle providers to capture a rich variety of application, subscriber, device and Quality of Experience (QoE) data from their own networks, and to turn that source data into the valuable business intelligence they need to drive subscriber satisfaction and service profitability.

Allot ClearSee collects a rich variety of raw data from the network and from operator business systems and loads it into a cutting-edge data warehouse where it is transformed into modeled business objects that are easy to understand and work with. This valuable source data can then be exported to external analytics tools and other business applications.

Turning Big Data into Usable Data

Allot ClearSee extracts a wide variety of raw data from the network and from operator business systems and loads it into a cutting-edge data warehouse where it is transformed into modeled business objects that are easy to understand and work with. This valuable source data is easily exported and integrated for use by analytics tools and other business applications. The Allot ClearSee system is built to handle large volumes and variety of data coming in at very high velocities suited to the needs of  telecom analytics.

Rich Modeled Data

Within the Allot ClearSee data warehouse, modeled data is represented in the form of semantic business objects (dimensions and metrics) that are relevant to different stakeholders in telecom analytics. In the warehouse, various calculations on the data add valuable metrics to the business objects. Likewise, data correlation algorithms create logical associations while optimization algorithms enable large volumes of data to be stored and easily retrieved.

Efficient Export to Any System

Allot ClearSee efficiently exports modeled source data in standard formats or in customized file formats to external analytics applications and to other business systems such as CRM, Billing and BI. (Raw data records may also be exported directly from the data mediator when this type of data source is required.)

Allot ClearSee Data Source gives you:

  • Rich HTTP, Video, VoIP, Instant Messaging, Session, Subscriber, Policy, and IP Flow data records that until now have been unavailable to analysts
  • Fast and easy integration of modeled data into a variety of analytics and business systems that treat data very differently.
  • Unprecedented data accuracy, variety, and accessibility
  • Ability to accept and load data feeds from CRM, ERP, OCS, OSS, BSS, and other operator systems into Allot ClearSee’s open data warehouse, adding new dimensions to the data source.


Broad Data Collection

Allot ClearSee collects raw data in real time from data plane elements in the network, including Allot Service Gateway and Allot NetEnforcer platforms, as well as control plane elements, including Allot Subscriber Management Platform. This raw data can be further enriched by offline data feeds from operator CRM, BSS and other business systems. The Allot ClearSee system is built to handle large volumes and variety of data coming in at very high velocities.

High-Resolution Data Records

As raw data is collected, it is processed into high-resolution data records detailing HTTP, Video, VoIP, Instant Messaging, Session, Subscriber, and Policy activity and IP flow statistics.

High-Resolution Data Records
CONV Application Flow Record Flow statistics from real-time IP application flows, providing a complete view of network, subscriber, application, and device activity.
HDR HTTP Data Record Web usage statistics based on HTTP, HTTPS, SPDY transaction level data extracted from web traffic.
VDR Video Data Record Video session quality metrics such as number/duration of stalls, response time, and overall QoE, as well as video attributes including format, duration, resolution, name, domain, etc.
SDR Session Data Record Session statistics that detail subscriber behavior in the control plane, such as log-in/out, AAA, location and many other metrics.
UDR User Data Record Subscriber-application usage metrics.
VC VC Policy Record Usage statistics based on classification of traffic by Allot in-line platforms. Provides statistics per Allot hierarchical policy elements.
CDR Chat Data Records Usage data from OTT VoIP and Instant Messaging applications, including minutes-of-use.

Ultimately, these raw data records are loaded into the Allot ClearSee data warehouse where they are transformed into modeled data objects. The frequency and triggers for raw data export are configurable parameters set according to operator requirements. In case of disconnect during raw data transfer, Allot ClearSee stores all data files until connection is re-established and transfer can resume.

Cutting-Edge Data Warehouse

Allot ClearSee employs a cutting-edge data warehouse designed for fast look-up, processing, and export. The data warehouse features a columnar structure and uses massive parallel processing (MPP) to handle big data with extreme efficiency. In addition, Allot optimization algorithms reduce the warehouse storage space required without losing information. Its modular node architecture is designed for seamless capacity expansion and data synchronization, which allows the data warehouse to scale both up (add more instances of a function within a node ) and out (add more nodes) in both virtualized and non-virtualized environments.

Efficient Source Data Export

Allot ClearSee efficiently exports modeled source data in standard formats or in customized file formats to external analytics applications and to other business intelligence systems. Export and refresh frequency is a configurable parameter. Likewise, as modeled data is loaded into the warehouse, it becomes immediately available for analysis via the Allot ClearSee Analytics application.

Raw data records may be exported directly from the Allot ClearSee data mediator when this type of data source is required. The modular design of Allot ClearSee is able to accommodate a wide range of data source requirements.

Data Privacy

Allot ClearSee performs obfuscation and encryption of raw data records in compliance with data privacy regulations.

Tight Security

Data privacy and integrity is a top concern for network operators. Allot ClearSee provides robust security settings that allow administrators to control access to the system as well as use/view privileges to the data and export tools. The system administrator controls the following security settings:

  • Access Authentication controls login permissions
  • Functional Privileges control the ClearSee functions that each user/group may use
  • Object Permissions control the business objects that each user/group may use
  • Data Security filters control which data each user/group may access or view
  • Database Security controls direct access to the Allot ClearSee Data Warehouse Turning Big Data into Usable Data


Allot ClearSee provides an exceptionally rich, accurate, and accessible Data Source for telco analytics.

Allot ClearSee provides an exceptionally rich, accurate, and accessible Data Source for telco analytics.


Allot ClearSee Data Source software and hardware packages may be purchased in node configurations designed to support data collection and export for 100,000 subscribers, 1 million subscribers, and an unlimited number of subscribers. Allot ClearSee software may also be installed on operator equipment that meets the following minimum requirements. Additionally, the software may be installed on virtual machines. Individual sizing and installation requirements should be verified with an Allot representative.

Basic Node for 100,000 Data Subscribers

This standalone configuration for Allot ClearSee provides a single server to host both the data warehouse and the modeled data export function for up to 100,000 subscribers.

Minimum Specifications for Allot ClearSee Basic Node
Hardware IBM x3550 M4 1U server
2 x Intel Xeon with 6 cores running at 2.0Ghz
2 TB of server storage via 2 x146 GB and 6 x 300 GB disks
Dual AC/DC 750W power supply
2 x 1 GE copper connectivity (extra link for redundancy)
Supported Operating Systems CentOS Linux 6.4 64-bit x 86 (English only)

Enhanced Node for 1 Million Data Subscribers

This enhanced configuration for Allot ClearSee provides a single server to host both the data warehouse and the modeled data export function for up to 1 million subscribers.

Minimum Specifications for Allot ClearSee Enhanced Node
Hardware IBM x3650 M4 2U server 2 x Intel Xeon with 8 cores running at 2.0Ghz
128 GB RAM
7.3 TB of server storage via 2 x 146 GB and 12 x 600 GB disks
Dual AC/DC 750W power supply
2 x 1 GE copper connectivity (extra link for redundancy)
Supported Operating Systems CentOS Linux 6.4 64-bit x 86 (English only)

Cluster Node for Unlimited Data Subscribers

This cluster configuration for Allot ClearSee provides separate, expandable nodes to host the data warehouse and the modeled data export function respectively. Cluster nodes support many millions of subscribers with effectively unlimited scalability.

Minimum Specifications for Allot ClearSee Cluster Nodes
Cluster Data Warehouse Hardware IBM x3650 M4 2U server
2 x Intel Xeon with 8 cores running at 2.0Ghz
128 GB RAM
7.3 TB of server storage via 12 x 600 GB disks
Dual AC/DC 750W power supply
2 x 1 GE copper connectivity and 2 x 10 GE SFP+connectivity (extra links for redundancy)
Cluster BI Server Hardware IBM x 3550 M4 1U server
2 x Intel Xeon with 6 cores running at 2.0Ghz
1.2 TB of server storage via 4 x 300 GB disks
Dual AC/DC 750W power supply
6 x 1 GE copper connectivity (extra links for redundancy and H/A)
Supported Operating Systems CentOS Linux 6.4 64-bit x 86 (English only) for both


Pricing Subject to change without notice for reasons including, but not limited to, product discontinuation, product unavailability, manufacturer price changes and advertised price errors.
Allot Products
Allot ClearSee
Allot ClearSee Basic Node
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Allot ClearSee Enhanced Node
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Allot ClearSee Cluster Nodes
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